Quick guide to choosing a test
Do you want to lose weight?
Then we recommend that you use use the energy expenditure calculator to estimate your daily caloric need. This allows you to estimate how many calories you should consume every day in order to have gradual weight loss. You should also calculate your BMI and if you have access to a skinfold caliper, you could use the D&W skinfold calculator to calculate your fat percentage. Measuring your fat percentage is especially useful if you are combining your diet with exercise as an increase in muscle mass and blood volume could obscure your actual fat loss.
Do you want to know your aerobic fitness level?
You have several options for this depending on your level of ambition an facilities. If you have access to a bicycle ergometer the watt max test t is a very precise test or if you have access to a treadmill the Bruce treadmill test is also very precise. For a more simpel running test, you could try the classic 12 min run test . If you don't want to push yourself to the max, you could choose between the Danish step test or the Aastrand bicycle test .
Do you want to follow your strength development?
You could start with a quick test of your upper body strength by using the push-up calculator. If you are following a regular strength training programme, you could use the RM-calculator to calculate your maximal strength as well as the appropiate training weights.
Do you want to test your overall health?
The Health profile system is perfect for this as it combines several life style factors in to one score ( max score is 100%). You can choose between a simpel version that only takes five minutes or the an advanced version that requires you to do some actual physical tests on yourself.